3 Glorious Nights at Hilbre Island

What a wonderful week I’ve had, 3 separate very different photo walks out to Hilbre, with fresh air, wonderful company and just some beautiful photographs. I started the week with rain clouds and drizzle as we set off from West Kirby, but as we approached Hilbre Island the sky cleared and the sun came out for a fleeting minute before disappearing back behind the clouds.

On Tuesday, following a bright but windy day, we were treated to an incredible sunset that lit the sky in rainbow colours and created a golden shimmering halo over Hilbre itself. I also managed to get a couple of sunset silhouette selfies in too.

Then on Wednesday, the warm weather gave us glorius golden hour light and one of the most unique pink glow sunsets I’ve ever seen.

I’ve dropped some of my shots from the week below, if you’d like to head out to Hilbre, or any of my other routes at Sunset, click here to see the full list of routes and dates. But don’t forget to book as my weekly photo walks are filling up fast!

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