A wintery Hilbre Island

Dark wintery storm clouds drift across the mouth of the Dee Estuary on a snowy winters afternoon.

Anyone who’s been out to Hilbre Island with me will know that I’ve been waiting for the right conditions to be able to take snowy photographs of the islands. It’s something that happens very rarely so I was so disappointed to be Ill during the cold snap back before Christmas. Fortunately, this week’s flurry of snow gave me the opportunity to at least get out to Hilbre in some Wintery conditions, fingers crossed this isn’t the last of the snow!

I loved the sandbank I discovered with a dusting of snow on top, bearing in mind this was under water a few hours earlier and was washed away by the time I walked back they are really unique shots, even if they are not the most interesting compositionally.

Don’t forget, if you’re heading out to Hilbre on your own, check the tides, be aware of the weather conditions and respect the sea. Of course I always say the best way to see the island is with a guide who can show you the safe routes and the best shooting locations… speaking of which head over to my “events” section to see my upcoming Hilbre walks, I run them throughout the year!

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